Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tequila Rose

Got a new bottle of Tequila Rose yesterday, thanks to mom treating me! Found it at Stew Leonard's Wines. I had never been there before, it is a nice store and fairly new. At the checkout I was even given two shot glasses with the tequila rose logo on them. I will definitely go back there.

I'm using the drink as a way to keep warmer in the winter months, one shot and I feel warm and it tastes great too. Had it a few years back when one of my neighbors let me try it.

Online there are lots of recipes I may try some over the winter months, especially a Pink Russian and Capt Crunch. I hope I can find the other ingredients in those little bottles because I can't afford the big ones.

Have a great Sunday, and if you are starting in on Thanksgiving cooking or baking, I hope it all comes out delicious!!!

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