Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Beach and the Niger River

I've done a few more ACEOs over the last few days. All of them at the beach, well, the rats are at the beach, not me. Hard to believe it's August already.

My latest rats are playing frisbee, wiping out while surfing and running from a wave or surfing the wave, depending on who you believe. haha

It's gloomy in NJ today, but that's ok, I got my weed wacking done yesterday, well, as done as I could before I ran out of cord.

My nephew is continuing to do well in Mali. I don't think I could hack it but he is just going with the flow, even swam in the Niger river. He is one of the lucky ones who hasn't gotten sick so I am glad of that. A few more weeks of training and he will be off on his 2 year assignment.

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